For 30 years, youth from under-resourced communities have been growing into changemakers and leaders in their neighborhoods and communities through their involvement with New City Kids.

Now that impact is going global.

Built on the power of New City Kids' success

Over the last several years, we have worked to distill New City Kids' core principles into training modules, tutorials, videos, and written materials. With these tools in hand, a team of New City Kids alumni and staff travels to a developing country to partner with a local ministry, NGO, or school, helping to launch and support a local expression of the New City Kids model.

Coming alongside local leaders

New City Networks is special because the local partners “own” the entire ministry. They raise money, hire staff, and invest in their own kids. Our job is to coach, model, disciple, and inspire partners during a two-year training period conducted mainly over Zoom.

Upside-down consulting

We also work with each partner to develop a logic model, strategic plan, and fundraising system. We turn traditional consulting upside down by not charging for any of this. Instead, we give each member of the Network seed money to grow their program.

We teach and empower to create a flywheel effect

Over 30 years we have developed a youth leadership development system called New City Kids University which is adaptable in any country, for any culture. It provides the framework each partner can adapt to launch transformative youth leadership development programs in their own communities.

During a free two year consulting period we help partner learn from and apply critical organizational development tools to their mission. The end result is a clear, aligned logic model and business plan that clarifies and accelerates the dreams of each partner.

Instead of setting up long term financial dependency, we provide each partner with critical fundraising tools including pitch decks, website development and promotional videos.

We’re seeing our mission catalyze around the world.

Let's imagine the possibilities together!